Sunday, May 4, 2014

Back to the drawing board for a few more alterations

Currently, I have done multiple alterations, and I think I'm almost ready to start the new shirt muslin. Time for another sway back adjustment to get the back fitting right, and I have added a small full bust adjustment and moved the front princess seam in towards center front by 2" so it will actually run across my bust. 

I'm going to cut another muslin out of a heavier weight gingham and then will take more pictures to be sure everything looks right before using my actual fashion fabric. 

I have a linen that was not my color palette, stark white background with big stylized multicolored blue flowers. Color on this shot not exact, the background is REALLY white. 

After draping it against me multiple times it just doesn't work with my coloring. Then the light bulb went off. Dharma Trading Company is only about 45 minutes away. Tah, dah! It is now in the process of getting a beautiful Wedgewood Blue background and will hopefully be a much better candidate for my coloring. 

I'll be back soon with more pictures of the muslin, and some updated photos of the fabric. 

Hope your Sunday is going spectacularly!

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