Got way too busy between work and the Holidays. I did get the fourth tee shirt and the grey sweater done, but not much else. I'll post a pic of the sweater, but the fourth tee is in the laundry. It'll have to wait to get posted.:P}}
I'm so excited to read about every one else's SWAP even if I haven't got to start on mine yet. For whatever reasons, probably interest rates went down again? I have received a ton of orders, so will be working some long hours between now and the end of next week. No rest for the wicked I guess!
I do have the cardigan jacket drafted and ready for my "wearable muslin" to be made. I was going to make another sweater out of my Prussian blue French terry, but didn't have enough fabric. So I know the cardigan jacket takes less fabric, and doing it as a wearable muslin will move me along on both fronts. Another warm sweater type thing for work and seeing if my alterations for the jacket are right. Makes me happy.
I've been doing a lot of contemplation as I drive around, thinking about resolutions versus goals. Resolutions are things you don't generally accomplish, while goals are always there in front of you, perhaps not quite attained at the current moment, but still attainable in the future. So this year, no resolution to lose weight and exercise. Instead:
Goals for 2012:
1.Get on the healthy lifestyle track.
I think the physical problems with thyroid and the not officially diagnosed but recognized Celiacs disease, have been solved, so now all I have to do is get on with the E word, and also do some portion control. I have a gym membership that I haven't been using because I badly sprained my knee ligaments when we moved in July, and it's not healed yet. But I do know that getting with healthy eating will help eliminate some of the weight, which will help. I think if I at least go to the gym, even if I can only do 15 minutes on the elliptical or sit in the Sauna. I also want to check out their water aerobics if I can find a bathing suit that fits. If I at least go and get started... we all know 27 days makes a habit... I will have a habit, which will motivate me to keep going. And for me motivation is key.
2. Complete the SWAP and upgrade my wardrobe.
I'd like to get this 11 piece SWAP completed. In my mind, I have two more lined up behind this one. Ideally, I'll get the full "core" of about 4 or 5 coordinating base colors that Nancy Nix Rice talks about and have about 20 or 30 garments that will make an infinite number of outfits.
3. Get the meditation going again on a daily basis.
I know if I meditate every day it relieves stress, helps me stay focused and I get much more accomplished every day. It also connects me to my spirituality and helps me be a nicer person I think.
That's probably enough. All take time which is always at a premium around here. I don't know how I did everything that needs to be done when my kids were home. My house was always clean, I worked full time, turned out a couple of decent people, cooked good meals, and still had time for me. Now it seems pretty hard to find the time to just sit and sew. Although when my kids were younger, computers were used pretty much just as a work thing because the Internet just wasn't out there. Communication was done in person, by phone or by letters. No facebook, no blogs, no email jokes.
Well, if I want to get anything done this evening, I need to stop typing and get pinning. Hopefully you will see the Wearable Muslin of the cardigan jacket in a day or two. Here's the grey sweater. Happy sewing!